Sino-Ger­man Cam­pus

The University Paderborn and the Qingdao University of Science and Technology [QUST] are looking back to a close relationship which last more than 20 years. Based on these fruitful results, it is now possible to enter a new stage for future collaborations. In this new phase of intense collaborations the main focus will be set on Applied Research & Teaching; it is planned to involve further Universities. With that said the sino-german campus “Chinesisch-Deutscher Campus” [CDC] was founded in March 2017 and will be transferred into a sino-german technical university “Chinesisch-Deutsche Technische Universität” [CDTU]; both institutions will be constructed in Qingdao.


CDC Aims

The University Paderborn and Qingdao University of Science and Technology have a close relationship for more than 20 years which generated productive cooperation results for the faculty of Science & faculty of Cultural Science in the frame of the Chinesisch-Deutsche Technische Fakultät [CDTU]. Chinese and german students are profiting from a big range of studies, student exchange programs, etc. in the faculties of Machine Engineering & Chemistry and as well in the faculty of Culturel Science with german as a foreign language.

The establishment of the Chinesisch-Deutscher Campus [CDC] is a strategic decision to further intensify and extend the contact with Chinese Universities in order to promote international cooperations to the top scientific level.


  • Establishment of various study program; currently one material science study course „Bachelor Material Science" (accreditation in progress)
  • Teaching content & methods based on the german education system for universities
  • Joint interdisciplinary research between universities
  • Industry cooperations

CDC Mile­stones


Succesful completion of construction phase I. Totally 4000 people moved to the new area of CDC; students from study years 2017 - 2019.


All requirements for teaching operations in Qingdao are met and the study program starts with 120 first semester students.


A grand construction commencement ceremony was held for the project at the Sino-German Eco-Park in Qingdao, Shandong Province, China. This project is an investment of 250 Mio. € funded by the Qingdao University.


Founding of the „Chinesisch-Deutscher Campus [CDC]“


Signing of two cooperation agreements aimed at educating Chinese students enrolled in the Bachelor program, partly offered in German. 

Since 1995

Beginning of the exchange program for students within the scope of the CDTFChinesisch-Deutsche Technische Fakultät“ mainly for the two university courses Chemistry & Engineering.